Thursday, June 4, 2009
Whats Uppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!! Here is a Ramble
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tea (BAG) Party

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Pass me over Please!!!!

Yesterday was Easter so all the kids were dressed up for pictures, they Love to pose for pictures (as you can see). After Church we went out to my older sister's house for Easter lunch she cooked ham, green beans, corn, salad and rolls. It was a wonderful meal and the first time she has hosted an event in her new home, we had a Good time.(Thanks for invite Jamie). After lunch it was back home for some outside time the kids Love to be outside in our new yard (I do too). we rode the 4 wheeler, played on the play ground and Uncle Tommy bought us a new toy a 2 seat-er go cart, our kids have it made. Well that's about it until next time.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Great Weekend!!!!

Sunday was just as busy we went to Church then had a fellowship meal following services. I got home and started to mow our yard. Eli my 13yr old son push mowed while I rode. He had a birthday party at 2 so I finished up the yard SOLO. Back to Church that evening followed by a trip to the Emergency room with my 3yr old son Tripp he had a rectal prolapse after he pooped and it wasn't pretty. But it fixed it's self so all we have to do know is monitor and Pray it doesn't happen any more. He was a little scared but is OK now got home about 10pm, I am done.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Need to catch up.

Well here is another post, I have been informed that I need to post again because my wife is tired of seeing my Anniversary post. This weekend was kinda slow due to weather I could not practice my soccer team then they cancelled our game on Saturday too, also we could not practice our softball team either so we are off to a slowwwwwww start this season. But on the brighter side I had a wonderful date Saturday night with a very Special and Beautiful girl my daughter Emma. (pictured above is Emma and I, then Emma and Mallie aren't they Beautiful)
It was the second annual Cinderella ball father / daughter dance and we had a blast!!!. Emma, my niece Mallie, and some of their friends Alexandra, Eliza, Jenna Reece and Alleia (probably miss spelled all their names spell check can't save my here) and all the dads loaded up in a Limo supplied by our host Captured Forever Photography and off to the Ball we went. We had some dinner then danced all night to the music of Hanna Montana, Taylor Swift, The Chicken Dance song, YMCA, Hokey Poky and others. Then a very Special guest arrived for all the girls it was Cinderella and the girls went WILD!!, Cinderella looked a lot different from last year by about 20yrs so some of the dads were happy too. Cinderella led us in the Conga Line, Limbo Line and the Chicken Dance, took pictures with every girl and gave them a pink rose. A wonderful time was had by all and I look forward to next year, this is a Special thing that I can do with Emma that doesn't involve the boys and sports also it gives us some much needed time together.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Its my Anniversary!!!!!