Protests against Washington spending took place in more than 700 US cities Wednesday. I had several invites to some of these events and did not go to a one I guess I wasn't thirsty. The bottom line is that we as Americans should not even have to hold such events, you would think that our Government would know better than to spend our money so ill responsible but that's not the case after seeing some of the recent BAIL OUTS you the ones AIG - $85 billion, Bear Stearns - $29 billion, IndyMac Bank - $8.9 billion, Fannie Mae - $100 billion, Freddie Mac - $100 billion, Washington Mutual Inc. - $1.9 billion and the list will go on and on when will it stop? Hell I wish someone would come and BAIL me OUT Please!!!!!!!!!!!!. You know I am a self employed Electrician I got laid off almost 3yrs ago and pursued the American Dream of starting my own business and what a struggle it has been, ups and downs day to day just barley scrapping by. Now I AM AT A STAND STILL, its pretty bad when you have to LAY yourself OFF not being able to keep ME on board is a real problem for the success of my business. I know that I am not the only one who is in this position (we are all being Tea Bagged) people are losing work and their jobs left and right, and I really feel bad for all of those who are going through what I am (I Thank God that my wife has a job). I just get so Frustrated seeing all the money going to waste on these big corporations who literally out spent themselves. Throw some MONEY our way to the working people then we will Bail Out the Country, we will pay off our debts, we will buy new homes, cars, and other stuff that we probably do not need, but we would definitely Stimulate the economy and keep the Money HERE. And that's ONLY MY OPINION. Sorry for the Vent Post.
Are ya sending a subliminal message to me about tea bags? Is this why you don't post anymore?
ReplyDeleteDude, update your blog.
I love you,
Your last, first, and best true love,