Well another Easter has come and gone, we have been hunting eggs since last Thursday. I haven't read the whole Bible yet, but I have been going to Church for a looooooong time I have yet to here a story about Jesus and the apostles having an Holy Egg hunt or the Great Easter Bunny comming to Jerusalem. As you can tell I am not into Easter that much, don't get me wrong I Love getting together with family and friends and Eating way to much (I wish we could do it more often) but the whole Easter thing is not for me. The kids like it though so I will go along for them. Emma and Tripp found several eggs I believe the final count was Emma 29, Tripp 22. oh I almost forgot to mention my fellow Blogger Brad he was Gracious enough to put me in his Blog so go check his out it's a lot more interesting than mine and he post daily unlike me. http://bradbrandt.blogspot.com/
After the our gathering at Standing Stone State Park (ahhh the memories) Tripp and I went home to take a nap while Melody(wife) took Emma(daughter), Mallie(niece), Eli(son), Matthew(nephew) to Cookeville to see the new Hanna Montana movie. We were actually in the movie Melody took Eli and Emma to a casting call in Nashville last year and Eli got a call back so we took 8 12yr boys back to Nashville to film the fair scene where Hanna reveals her secret to her home town. Eli says he saw himself in the movie he was right beside stage and got to touch Hanna's shoes. Pictured right is my nephew Matthew Montana (he is Hanna's stunt double). Also If you look closely in the back ground it's the money I could be saving with Gieko.

Yesterday was Easter so all the kids were dressed up for pictures, they Love to pose for pictures (as you can see). After Church we went out to my older sister's house for Easter lunch she cooked ham, green beans, corn, salad and rolls. It was a wonderful meal and the first time she has hosted an event in her new home, we had a Good time.(Thanks for invite Jamie). After lunch it was back home for some outside time the kids Love to be outside in our new yard (I do too). we rode the 4 wheeler, played on the play ground and Uncle Tommy bought us a new toy a 2 seat-er go cart, our kids have it made. Well that's about it until next time.
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