Thursday, June 4, 2009

Whats Uppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!! Here is a Ramble

Well I will tell you whats going on because that is what a Blog is for. My business is Dead (Thank You Lord for my wife's job) I have not done anything new in a very long time, still waiting on a Bailout but my Business has nothing to do with Cars or Insurance so I have been hanging out. I am a substitute Bus driver for the school system so that check helps some and my check for being on the City Council helps a little (very, very little). So I am house husband now (and I Suck at it) the kids are out of school and I have them all day every day (Glad they are out of Diapers). Talk about an adjustment for everyone my stay at home wife went to work and the used to be working dad is now at home and NO ONE is happy about it. Don't get me wrong I could probably have a job tomorrow I would just have to completely give up my business and be gone on the road again so I am holding out Praying for things to break. Besides I don't have to put the kids in daycare which is a nice extra cost with 3 kids and we have been spending time together that I have missed out on in the past. Being house husband is not that hard to me it's just I can't do anything right or the way my wife did it or how she would like it done that is, so I am learning slooooooooooooooooooowly how to do things. My Hats off to all Mothers, Wives and Homemakers it takes a Special Woman to this job and I Apologise for being a Male Chauvinist Pig in the past. We have done a lot of yard work mowed, cut trees, shrubs I have planted a garden twice (and losing the grass weed battle) going to swim lessons and ball games. My wife recommended that I go back to school to get a degree maybe to teach or something but WOW talk about life changing all I have known is Construction. Work hard, Work fast and get the job done, to go back to school and learn to study, do homework and take tests will be a HUGE challenge. Well that is it for now time to clean up Breakfast.